Thursday, 4 February 2016

Langkawi Wildlife Park & Bird Paradise 浮罗交怡飞禽公园


在进入口,有卖一包的饲料 (RM6)


I went to a few bird park before
This one at Langkawi is quite interesting
You can interact with much more of the animals inside

When you enter, you can saw a stall selling food for animals (RM6)
There a few different types of food inside for different animals

They have timetable for feeding time
Do take note of the time, and watch the way they feed
They even let you try to feed the animals

Just put ur hand down, they'll come over

Nice colour (Lay Amherst Pheasant)

White wolf

Do I looks handsome like dis? XD

Baby porcupine

Lots of Koi

Fighting for food...who fast who got it~

Rabbit eating leaf

I'm fit inside here

Feeding little parrots

"Hey, no more food d~"